Modern JavaScript

JavaScript is flexible enough to do just about anything, and while this is one of its great strengths, it's also what makes best practices less clear. This deep dive into the fundamentals and latest advances in the language will help you learn how to make the most of it!

Modern JavaScript


The controversy around class stems from the illusion of removing prototypal inheritance from JavaScript. It is, in fact, just syntactic sugar on top of the same prototypes we’ve been using all along. However, in removing some of the noise that typically accompanies object-oriented JavaScript, and in making some typical traps more difficult to fall into, using classes can result in more readable and robust code.

  • ClassesWelcome

    We'll recap everything we've covered so far, and review the day's agenda.

  • ClassesClasses in JavaScript

    While class doesn’t allow us to do anything that wasn’t possible with the direct use of prototypes, many things are easier and much cleaner. We’ll look at constructors, member and static functions, and the upcoming “member and instance field” TC39 proposals.

  • ClassesEXERCISE: Colors with classes

    We’ll look back at our rgb/hex color exercises, and implement a more comprehensive solution using classes.

  • ClassesDecorators

    Decorators allow us to do things at class construction time. Several uses of decorators are possible with the current draft spec (or when using Typescript) and a variety of proposals for new decorators are already in development!

  • ClassesPROJECT: Memoized functions

    Memoization is a technique that can be used with pure functions, where output values are “remembered” for an input argument(s). Thus, re-invoking the function with the same arguments will return the same “remembered” result. We’ll implement a @memoize function decorator, so that we can apply this technique easily and cleanly in our code.

  • ClassesInheritance Patterns

    While it's true that class is only syntactic sugar on top of JavaScript’s prototypal inheritance, the new syntax makes it easier and cleaner to implement things like "mixins". We'll select a few important design patterns from the famous "Gang of Four" design patterns book and implement them using classes.

  • ClassesPROJECT: Design Patterns w/ Class

    We’ll implement some examples of classical object-oriented design patterns using class.

  • ClassesLunch

    Break for lunch