TypeScript Fundamentals

Adding strong typing to large JavaScript apps with TypeScript helps reduce bugs, and keep developers on the performant and maintainable path. We'll look at recent advancements in the JavaScript standard like classes and decorators; some new tools for managing asynchrony; and then dive into TypeScript to add static typing to the mix. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to be set up for success when using TypeScript to build a modern web app.

TypeScript Fundamentals

Migrating to TypeScript

As Typescript works side-by-side with JavaScript easily and conveniently, the overhead to start using Typescript is very low. We'll discuss some topics related to moving a conventional JavaScript app to TypeScript, while striking the balance between capability and productivity.

  • Migrating to TypeScriptAdding Types Incrementally

    One of the core requirement of TypeScript is that it must be conveniently usable side-by-side with regular JavaScript. We'll look at what it would take to add TypeScript to an existing project, and then incrementally add type information over time.

  • Migrating to TypeScriptUsing TypeScript with Babel

    You will often use TypeScript and Babel together. Because both of these libraries are responsible for taking something other than browser-friendly JavaScript and transforming it to ES5, there can be some strange behavior depending on how things are set up. We'll provide some guidelines for a setup that maximizes the benefit you get from both of these tools while minimizing confusion.

  • Migrating to TypeScriptWrap up and recap

    We'll recap everything we've covered today, and provide some recommendations for further reading and learning.