Ember-Data Basics

As the official persistence library of the ember.js framework, ember-data has become more performant, more customizable, and an even more valuable library over time.

Ember-Data Basics

The Store

Ember-data's store is the main API surface that developers interact with, in order to initiate requests for data.

  • The StorePeek, Fetch or Find

    We'll explore these three ways of retrieving data from the ember-data's store, providing practical real-world use cases for each.

  • The StoreFastboot's Shoebox

    Ember Fastboot, the framework's server-side rendering technology, comes with a feature called the shoebox store whereby JSON data can be embedded in the server-rendered HTML, and immediately injected into the client-side ember-data store upon app boot. We'll study low-level use of the shoebox directly, and then introduce an addon that automates shoebox/ember-data integration.

  • The StoreExercise: Harness the Power of Caching

    I have an app that requires use of a really slow API, so any use of clever caching will dramatically improve the end user's experience. By employing the fastboot store, and ember-data's client-side caching strategies, reduce the time to first [meaningful] interaction as much as possible.

Clever Caching

Ember-data's caching features are often under-utilized, resulting in extra time to fetch data with each page load. We'll explore some simple caching strategies that will translate to major performance gains!

Featuring: Fastboot

We'll look at how ember-data's store can work hand-in-hand with Ember's server-side rendering technology, by way of a fastboot feature called shoebox storage, to land pages on the screen with lightning speed!

Helpful Hooks

Ember-data is easier to customize than ever, but it takes experience to find the right balance between an tangled application adapter monolith, and dozens of single-purpose modules that repeat common logic.